
如果你不确定澳门赌场在线娱乐学什么专业,那就加入这个俱乐部! 或者更恰当地说, The 学业成功办公室 —where nearly 20 percent of Wilkes students begin their 学术之旅.

The 学业成功办公室 is a home for students who begin college as “undeclared” 专业. 在这里, an advisor who is knowledgeable about all the 专业 at Wilkes will personally help guide you to your decision and will keep you on track to graduate 四年后. You’ll also have the opportunity to complete a career decision-making 课程. We know this choice can be intimidating, but remember: 60 percent of college graduates never work in the field they major in, and most students change their major 至少一次.

Because of the intimate atmosphere at Wilkes, you’ll always receive the personal attention 你需要做出明智的专业和职业决定. 我们不会为…做决定 你,但我们会在这里帮助你. 你不需要申报 大三第一学期之前的专业. 澳门赌场在线娱乐,我们很快乐 to work side by side with you to develop an individualized study program, and customize 一个唯一符合你兴趣和目标的专业.


雇主 are often very interested in candidates who present broad interests and 不同的经历. 我们的三步职业学习计划将为您提供一个系统的、理性的职业学习计划 规划你的职业道路.

生活/职业规划 is offered to first year students to help with their transition...

to college and to help begin the process of identifying major field and career opportunities. During 汽车101年 you will develop a 职业学习计划 which will help you plan your 大学及以后的职业生涯. 你的职业学习计划会给你带来增长 self understanding, a better sense of career opportunities that might interest you while you develop an academic 课程 plan which you and your advisor will use as a 指导你在未来学期的选课.

Your experiences in and out of the classroom at Wilkes will forever influence the 你在生活的各个方面所做的选择. 这样你就能充分利用 opportunities available, we will spend time exploring curriculum and extracurricular 澳门赌场在线娱乐的可能性.

汽车101年. 生活/职业规划
A study of the components of career decision-making, including the influence of personal 目标、价值观、兴趣和感知技能. 理论的实际应用 results in a portfolio of information essential to deliberate and effective decision-making.



While narrowing your options is an absolute necessity, there are some things you need 先做. 如果你 are still in high school, or newly graduated, you should expand 你的选择,以确保一个正确的决定. 否则,你要使用决策过程 称,“满意.这个词是由心理学家赫伯特·西蒙创造的,指的是 the process we use when we stop developing options once we discover one that meets 我们的最低标准. 你能预测这样一个决策过程的结果吗 当应用于我们多年来做出的重大决定时? 我们变得最低限度满意 我们现在的处境.

相反,使用一个称为“最大化”的过程.在缩小你的选择之前 a decision, be sure you generate a growing list of careers that meet your minimum 标准. Use interest inventories available on the Web, or plain old paper and pencil, 在职业顾问的帮助下. 澳门赌场在线娱乐,我们提供职业课程和顾问 来帮助你完成这个过程.

As a child, you may have been led to believe most things adults told you. 这是 probably for your own protection, but now, the advice is no longer current. 对于每一个 negative story you hear from someone in a particular career, you will find another 这是非常积极的. 换句话说,对于每一个告诉你“不要成为…… a teacher because I hate it," you will find another who will tell you how much he 或者她喜欢和孩子们一起工作. 一切都是相对的. 你应该忽略这些建议吗 别人的? No. These vignettes can be useful, but you must be aware that the experiences of one person should not be the final factor about a decision that is so important.

Somewhere in time, many young people lost the enjoyment of trying new skills. 所以,当 it comes time to decide on potential careers, they have poor knowledge of their skills. Some skills take time to develop, but so many people try for a short time and then, 如果他们不能达到完美,他们就会放弃. 许多成功人士的故事 in all fields is crowded with examples of people who failed one, two, three, or even 四次.

你不需要做到完美. 让自己休息一下. 尝试新事物,然后失败. 如果你 享受它们,继续尝试. 你还能怎样发现自己潜在的技能呢?

Concentrate primarily on classes that relate to your potential major because they 更重要.
这是最常见的错误. 在职业决策领域,有 so many examples of people who reap the rewards of a strong general education that 有人称之为规则. 澳门赌场在线娱乐和其他大学共同开设的课程 for their students are often the foundations for an opportunity that students never 被认为是.

Your major subjects give you the background and credentials necessary for entry into many professions, but it is your "liberal" education that will get you the promotions 让你成为这些行业的主要贡献者. 问问任何一个成功人士.

Many myths masquerade as truths during the career decision-making process...

Many undeclared students believe they are the only lonely, indecisive people who just 拿不定主意. 从澳门赌场在线娱乐的角度来看,未申报的专业代表 高等教育中发展最快的学术项目之一.

Undeclared 专业 are among the top three, and more often first, of the academic programs 澳门赌场在线娱乐大学新生入学考试中被选中. 当我们把学生人数加起来 who change 专业 during their first year in college, the numbers of students who 表达对选择专业的不确定性大大增加.

Making a career decision is simple: Choose the career that consists of the activities 你最喜欢.
We continually develop new interests, especially as a result of going to college. Although most of us received the street advice to simply choose a career that would 要“令人愉快”,很少有工作是真正“有趣”的."

A more helpful description of the activities associated with careers is "rewarding." Most people who would choose their same careers again would do so because they receive a high level of satisfaction from the challenges and demands they face.

One career is "right" for me; I just have to find it.
没有证据证明这一点. 很多职业都符合你的最低标准. 成千上万的人 的职业得到了美国政府的认可.S. 劳动部,也就是说有很多 你还没有考虑过.

如果你 keep going to school, your career decision will become evident.
While continuing your education is a good decision, it alone will not make the decision 清晰的. You have to devote time to develop a plan for such a critical decision. 在这里 at Wilkes, we teach undeclared students how to develop a plan and we make the time 谨慎的决策.